Lady Eleanor’s Guide to the Perfect Gift

Lady Eleanor unravels the art of gift giving, with present inspiration for your whole list.

Lady Eleanor’s Guide to the Perfect Gift

November 16, 2023

The Perfect Gift: That hidden treasure that your recipient longs to possess but would never purchase for themselves. Let’s unravel this gift giving North Star further. Extrapolating guidelines for an array of recipients, beginning with what you should bestow upon…

The Stranger 

We’re not talking about the Albert Camus novel, darling. This is the friend of a friend you’ve been assigned for a secret Santa. The relative whose personal lore simply remains a mystery. The newfound acquaintanceship you’re hoping to cultivate. 

A key to gift giving for complete strangers is selecting a part of their daily routine to elevate with extravagant lavishness. We’ve included a few options, but you can reflect on what little luxuries brighten your day to day. 

The Best Friend 

The deep intimacy of a twin flame can put pressure on present selection. This person’s companionship is interwoven into your very soul. For this friend, we won’t tell you exactly what you should buy, we’ll tell you what questions you should ask yourself to ascertain the perfect gift. Grab a pen and parchment, lovely!

  • Litany of Loves: List of their favorite movies, songs, foods. What trinket or customized gems sparkle with these favorites? 
  • Memory Lane: Brainstorm the memories you’ve shared. Postcards from your shared vacation, a photo album, perhaps a memento from a cherished moment together? 
  • Adventure Time: Find an event to partake in together. A small concert, a live performance, a movie screening. Experiential gifts are special because they’re shared. 

The “Don’t Buy Me Anything” 

So, your companion has proclaimed that their ideal gift would be one of absence. Of course, in circumstances where this decree is fully meant, heed their wishes. However, more likely, the pressuring of giving and receiving treasures is getting to your friend’s head. This is the opportunity to do something thoughtful, yet not showy or expensive. An immaterial glamor will kindly express your affection without causing recipient distress. 

  • Handmade with Love: Craft something from the heart. A painting, a calligraphy letter, a poem, a song, a photo collage of memories.
  • Foot the Bill: When a bow-wrapped trinket is the source of stress, yet you want to offer a token of your sincere affection, a satisfying compromise may be the gesture of buying dinner with this friend. 
  • The Loophole: We’re wandering into the land of the immaterial. A year of New Yorkers, Vogue, or Spotify. Flowers, coffees, snack boxes–perhaps select a membership to a subscription tailored to their interest. Thoughtful and earnest, this gift comes down the line for the present-shy recipient. 

The Lover

What gift could properly express your affection within this modern Shakespearean romance? Expectations are high, and perhaps you’re still learning more about this blossoming connection. Don’t fret, Romeo. These gifts are romantic, luxurious, and sure to be beloved by all. 

  • A Memory Catcher: an instant camera documents memories, from dinner date selfies to snapshots of your next trip. 
  • The Build your own Bubble Bath: A recipe for elegant relaxation. Don’t skimp on the soaps, bath bombs, frills. Add some French wine, gourmet chocolates. Rose petals perhaps. Candles definitely. 
  • Temporal Luxury: a timeless statement watch is a sumptuous way to say, I love you for all time

The Child

We’ll assume that those seeking guidance feel rather out of touch with the juvenile zeitgeist. You’re not alone. The ever-evolving interests of the younger generation are inherently elusive. However, these gifts will be sure to be loved by the little ones in your life.  

  • A Riveting Read: Remember that picture book or novel that made us fall in love with literature? Gift the power of escape into imaginative realms. 
  • Watercolors, Acrylic, Oil: a paint set offers not only the instruments for gorgeous artistic expression but the experience of creating that masterpiece. A colored pencil set and sketchbook are also a great option for a mini Monet. 
  • Rain Boots: Rain Boots can always be bright and a little spunky. Find some fresh, prismatic boots for your favorite puddle jumper. If you know the child you're shopping for has a specific interest, see if any online stompers have patterns with that imagery.